Case Study

Prequalification chatbot for tax incentives with TaxTaker

Prequalification chatbot for tax incentives with TaxTaker


LangChain - Python - Google Cloud - Docker - LangServe - React - NextJS

  • Created automated prospecting pipeline from website

  • Unlocked ability to prequalify without sales call

The Opportunity

We connected with our client TaxTaker, a specialty tax incentives firm, to help them create efficiencies and greater opportunities for scale within their business. Their primary issue was that their capacity to onboard new clients was constrained because of the experts required to qualify and onboard new clients. The IRS guidelines for R&D tax credits is complex and requires an expert to distill heavy tax language into digestible questions to ensure that their client activities qualify for the credits. This meant that in order to intake clients, TaxTaker had to setup calls with each prospect, to ensure they met the minimum requirements, and then conduct an interview to see what activities they could claim credits for.

The Opportunity

We connected with our client TaxTaker, a specialty tax incentives firm, to help them create efficiencies and greater opportunities for scale within their business. Their primary issue was that their capacity to onboard new clients was constrained because of the experts required to qualify and onboard new clients. The IRS guidelines for R&D tax credits is complex and requires an expert to distill heavy tax language into digestible questions to ensure that their client activities qualify for the credits. This meant that in order to intake clients, TaxTaker had to setup calls with each prospect, to ensure they met the minimum requirements, and then conduct an interview to see what activities they could claim credits for.

The Opportunity

We connected with our client TaxTaker, a specialty tax incentives firm, to help them create efficiencies and greater opportunities for scale within their business. Their primary issue was that their capacity to onboard new clients was constrained because of the experts required to qualify and onboard new clients. The IRS guidelines for R&D tax credits is complex and requires an expert to distill heavy tax language into digestible questions to ensure that their client activities qualify for the credits. This meant that in order to intake clients, TaxTaker had to setup calls with each prospect, to ensure they met the minimum requirements, and then conduct an interview to see what activities they could claim credits for.

The Solution

We worked with the TaxTaker team to create an intelligent chatbot that had a deep understanding of the R&D tax code and prequalify site visitors using their firm's specialized process. We trained the bot on TaxTaker's process, the IRS R&D tax credit code, and plenty of sample conversations to create an experience that mimiced as close as possible what TaxTaker would do on their sales calls. Not only did the chatbot utilize PressW's special conversation flow techniques to ensure continuity, it also integrated directly with Gusto to give prospects personalized results directly in the conversation.

The Solution

We worked with the TaxTaker team to create an intelligent chatbot that had a deep understanding of the R&D tax code and prequalify site visitors using their firm's specialized process. We trained the bot on TaxTaker's process, the IRS R&D tax credit code, and plenty of sample conversations to create an experience that mimiced as close as possible what TaxTaker would do on their sales calls. Not only did the chatbot utilize PressW's special conversation flow techniques to ensure continuity, it also integrated directly with Gusto to give prospects personalized results directly in the conversation.

The Solution

We worked with the TaxTaker team to create an intelligent chatbot that had a deep understanding of the R&D tax code and prequalify site visitors using their firm's specialized process. We trained the bot on TaxTaker's process, the IRS R&D tax credit code, and plenty of sample conversations to create an experience that mimiced as close as possible what TaxTaker would do on their sales calls. Not only did the chatbot utilize PressW's special conversation flow techniques to ensure continuity, it also integrated directly with Gusto to give prospects personalized results directly in the conversation.